Colostrum, Antler velvet

Both are a waste of money. Deer Antler Velvet's purported benefit is you absorb IGF-1 under via the blood vessels under your tongue. If this were actually possible the pharmacological and pharmaceutical industries would each be making billions of dollars a year from IGF-1 products. It's simply a fad, a falsehood and a way of making $ from gullible people.

Colostrum does nothing.
Colostrum seems to be working well for my newborn, I personally think it tastes kind of gross. He seems to love it though.

IGF only works through injection. And you would need some actual IGF, not the scrapings from an antler from a deer.
As an aside... you do know that raising the immune system is not necessarily a good thing, right? When you get sick, etc, that is your immune system causing it in reaction to having detected something. So an overactive immune system would actually result in you getting sick more often as your immune system simply flips the **** out about every little thing it detects.
Colostrum seems to be working well for my newborn, I personally think it tastes kind of gross. He seems to love it though.

IGF only works through injection. And you would need some actual IGF, not the scrapings from an antler from a deer.

Colostrum is great for babies, and that's exactly what it's for. But for adults with developed digestive systems? It's just a funky tasting form of nutrition.