Close-Grip Military Press


New Member

Some opinions wanted please.

My routine is:

Back Squats.
Flat Bench.
Military Press.
B/B Rows.
Standing Calf Raise.

The thing is that my Triceps are lagging and I wondered if doing Military Press with a grip width the same as my Close-Grip Bench would have the desired effect.

I was considering doing Close-Grip Bench instead of Military Press but felt it was too similar to regular flat bench.

I also dont want to lose the potential for shoulder growth.

I cant do Parrellel Dips progresively.(Home Gym).

Isolation exercises (Skulls,French Press) irritate the back of my elbow.

Lastly I dont want to add extra exercises to the routine I prefer the sticking with the basic compounds.


Unfortunately, the best exercises for triceps include the isolation exercises you mentioned. Especially anything over head. The overhead position puts the most stretch on the largest head of the triceps and is very effective at stimulating growth.

My elbows are also very sensitive to tricep extensions, but I have found that if I do enough light work before I get heavy, I am usually able to get in several weeks of heavy work before I have to take a break.

So, for tricep extensions, start with reps like 25, or even 30. Just get your elbows to burn like crazy. Do this for at least 3 weeks. Then slowly start increasing the weight.

Is also good to do your dips before you do any isolation work for your triceps. Dips are a good way to warm up the elbows etc.
i always liked doing close grip bench for adding mass to my tris. however, i trust bryan's advice over anything else(ever since i started hst).

my arms in general are lagging behind. i am going to add in some additional iso work on them and am thinking of incorporating dropsets of 15reps, 10 reps, 5 reps in order to have them catch up.

bryan, what are your thoughts on higher rep iso work for arms or dropsets as listed above?