Bryan? Yohimburn!!

I have seen mixed reviews.

The product I really wanted to hear more about is
Lipoderm-Y. I have read articles about Yohimburn, and
basically it says the following (in different words).
Yohimburn's topical solution is not very good at
penetrating through the outer skin layer into the fat
deposits, because if intervening blood vessels which
carry Yohimbine HCL away from the location that you want
fat to be removed. [BTW, the "burn" people feel when
they apply it on their skin is due to its methol additive; it
is not caused by actual fat burning].

The result is that Yohimburn's effect is blurred, and
it results in fat loss that is more spread out over
greater surfact area -- perhaps over the whole body.
In other words, you might as well as been taking
Yohimbine HCL orally.

Lipoderm-Y tries to remove the problem that is seen
in Yohimburn by adding the carrier agent that can actually
"walk" across the skin-blood vessel barrier, piggybacking
Yohimbine HCL to the target fat cells.

I have not seen negative comments on Lipoderm-Y.


BTW, you need to take Yohimbine HCL, Yohimburn,
or Lipoderm when your insulin level is low, because
insulin neutralizes yohimbine. This means
you need to apply them when your stomach is empty
(whey protein will cause insulin spike, because of its
conversion to sugar) and execise.

The compound is supposed to work by blocking
estrogen from working on fat cells. Certain fat
cells have estrogen receptors, which, when activated
via estrogen, will prevent releasing fat. Yohimbine
works on the estrogen receptors of those cells, to block
the estrogen.