Hey all,
I am going to post my 10 week cycle of training. First of all: I'm doing this to learn new stuff. If you see that I'm doing something wrong, please post it here. I can't promise that I implement things you say but I can assure that I'll keep new advice in mind and appreciate it.
Now background:
Goal is to gain weight, weighted before starting 74 kg. It's been 2 years since I was in gym but I have done a lot of cardio this year. Record weight is 81,5 kg in year 2006.
Overall training:
Full body, Mon-Wed-Fri every week. I try to use free weights. 1 set per exercise.
1st week: warm up and figuring out weights
2-4: 10 reps
5-7: 8 reps
8-10: 6 reps
1. Squats -- front thighs, glutes
2. Leg extensions -- front thighs
3. Lying leg curls -- rear thighs
4. Standing calf machine (smith machine) -- calves
5. Bench press (barbell) -- pecs
6. Flyes (dumbbell, flat bench) -- pecs
7. Pulldowns (wide, rear) -- lats
8. Row (cable) -- lats
9. Upright rows (barbell) -- side delts
10. Arm curls (barbell) -- bicepts
11. Cable pushdowns -- tricepts
I am going to post my 10 week cycle of training. First of all: I'm doing this to learn new stuff. If you see that I'm doing something wrong, please post it here. I can't promise that I implement things you say but I can assure that I'll keep new advice in mind and appreciate it.
Now background:
Goal is to gain weight, weighted before starting 74 kg. It's been 2 years since I was in gym but I have done a lot of cardio this year. Record weight is 81,5 kg in year 2006.
Overall training:
Full body, Mon-Wed-Fri every week. I try to use free weights. 1 set per exercise.
1st week: warm up and figuring out weights
2-4: 10 reps
5-7: 8 reps
8-10: 6 reps
1. Squats -- front thighs, glutes
2. Leg extensions -- front thighs
3. Lying leg curls -- rear thighs
4. Standing calf machine (smith machine) -- calves
5. Bench press (barbell) -- pecs
6. Flyes (dumbbell, flat bench) -- pecs
7. Pulldowns (wide, rear) -- lats
8. Row (cable) -- lats
9. Upright rows (barbell) -- side delts
10. Arm curls (barbell) -- bicepts
11. Cable pushdowns -- tricepts