Applied effort vs load.


New Member
It seems there are a group of researchers questioning the adage that load is necessarily to elicit hypertrophic or strength gains.
I understand this is the old HIT vs periodization debate - here's some recent research articles favoring the 'to failure' group, and that they cite meta analyses of major findings in fitness are often flawed.

In reading through these papers - I don't see them taking on Wernbom which is interesting.

The HST take?
A recent example:
Bass is pointing out studies showing Fatigue—Pump—Not Necessary for Strength Gains.
If you dig into the studies, hypertrophy was measured too.

Here is an old quote from the board, might still be in the FAQs somewhere:

from Kelly Baggett:
- If you increase your muscle mass by 50 lbs, about 45 pounds of that mass will come about through improvement in tension related processes, and about 5 pounds will be from “fatigue” processes. However, the extra 5 pounds of fatigue related growth will be very “pretty.”
- Growth is stimulated from a combination of tension, total work, and fatigue. ...progressively increasing tension at a given level of work is the primary stimulus for ongoing gains in growth. Factors related to fatigue might add around 10% to that.
- while the lighter load lifted in a state of fatigue, often associated with more repetitions, will tend to induce more growth through increased “energy and water storage” mechanisms.
- Results that come from tension take place over a long period of time and tend to stick around for a long period of time. Results that come from “fatigue” (a.k.a. – the “pump”), occur much quicker and dissipate just as quickly.
- The muscle adapts to fatigue by storing more “energy” (aka – glycogen.) to better deal with the fatigue induced. The amount of extra glycogen storage that can be stimulated with even very brief bouts of fatigue training (a triple drop set for example), is very impressive, nearly rivaling that of specific short-term endurance protocols designed to double glycogen storage increases.
- Fatigue makes muscles "swole": Although the growth that occurs from fatigue only accounts for maybe 5-10% of the size increases, it gives the impression of contributing a lot more then that, since the glycogen storage increase and training methods associated with it also give one a tremendous and immediate “pump.”
Thank you for the reply, of course I'd love to see the references for such comments pertaining to Baggett.