_tim's Log

Squats: 195 x 7; 225, 255 x 5; 195 x 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
I stumbled backward on the 4th set of 10 but did not fall. I have no idea what happened, but all my weight shifted. The 255 set was at RPE 6.

K2C/Pike: 8, 6
I was low on time and fairly tired, so I used the setup using my forearms as my stabilizing point. One rep was both the movement of my knees to my chest and the subsequent pike to 45 degrees.
OHP: 100, 105, 120 x 5; 90 x 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
I screwed up the load on the first set. Regardless, despite that, the first two sets were so, so easy. The 120 set was at RPE 5. I am genuinely looking forward to a challenge after this cycle.

SA DB Row: 65, 75, 85 x 8; 90 x 6

ISO/ISO Chest Supported Row: 60 x 8, 5

Reverse Hyper: BW, + 20 x 10

Spider Curl: 55 x 10; 65 x 6
Seated DB Curl: 70 x 8, 4

Incline DB Curl: BFR: 60 x 20, 10, 10, 10

All in all, not a bad upper body session. I figured Friday will be more triceps-focused to balance things out.
Deadlift: 200, 235, 265 x 5; 200 x 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
The 265 RPE was at 6. I used shin sleeves throughout, but my belt use started after the 200 x 5 set.

Sicilian Press Situp: 20 x 8, 6

Standing Calf Raise: BFR: 182 x 20, 10, 10, 10

My low back was plenty tired after the deadlift sets. I'd programmed Zercher GM's today but nixed them due to fatigue.
Late posting - morning WO...

Bench Press: 155, 180, 205 x 5; 155 x 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
The 205 set was at RPE 6.

Pec Deck: 130, 145, 160 x 12

Pull Up/Chin (alternated sets): BW x 5, 5, 3, 2

Skullz: 70, 80 x 10; 90 x 6
DB Curl (standing): 60 x 10, 10; 70 x 6

Triceps PD (Flat Bar): BFR: 65 x 30, 15, 15, 15

Face Pull: 50 x 5, 5

New form! I watched the vid below and decided to give it a go. The raise after the pull is intense! Best thing - I could absolutely see this as a good band candidate too.

Squats: 225, 255, 285 x 5; 255 x 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
The 285 set was at RPE 7. All reps ATG - I really focused on form this morning given my stumble last week.

DB Bulgarian Split Squat: 60, 70 x 10

Sicilian Crunch: 30 x 4, 3

I was in the gym about an hour earlier than normal today as I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep. I travel for work today and have fingers crossed I can get my remaining 3 workouts in this week.
I think you'll really see a difference, @mickc1965.

Well, best-laid plans. I had every intention to work out while out of town, but time was not my friend. This week will be sorta catch-up/prep for next week.


OHP: 105, 120, 135 x 5; 120 x 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
The 135 set was at RPE 6+

Lateral raise: 50 x 10, 10

TUT PD: 135 x 4; 145 x 3, 2

Face Pull: 50 x 6, 5, 5
Well, best-laid plans. I'll catch this up for the week thus far, but ignore last week...

Squat: 195, 225, 255, 255 x 5; 255 x 8

I am using the Rhodes 5x5/3/1 layout. Esssentially, it's a 2 x 5 for the first two loads, a 2 x 5 at the top load and then a PR set. I am planning to take my PR sets to failure -1 or form break. Today's set ended with my bar speed slowing down too much, so I stopped.

Deadlift: 155 x 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
50% of my TM.

Hang TTB: 7, 6

Standing Calf Raise: BFR: 192 x 20, 10, 10, 10

All sets slightly paused, with the exception of the first three reps of set four.

OHP: 90, 105, 120, 120 x 5; 120 x 10

Bench Press: 120 x 10, 10, 10, 10, 10

Chins: BW x 6, +15 x 4, 3

I used a DB in between my feet for load. Not fun.

Iso/Iso Row: 40 x 10; 60 x 7, 5

BB Curl: 60, 70 x 8; 80 x 6

Done against a wall. Very strict.

Incline Curl: BFR: 50 x 30, 15,15, 15
Challenging but doable.

Tricep Extension - Rope: 50 x 15; 70 x 12

Tricep Extension - Straight Bar: BFR: 60 x 30, 15, 15, 15

Last set was HARD. RPE 8+.

Face Pull: 40 x 8; 50 x 5
Short on time today...

Deadlift: 200, 235 x 5; 265 x 5, 5, 12
I used shin sleeves and a belt for all work sets. The final set of 265 had 4 MG sets, two for each hand position. The set ended due to grip fatigue primarily, as this also drove a slight imbalance in my form I was uncomfortable with.

Sicilian Crunch: 20 x 8, 5
Sicilian crunch =?

This, Jester:


Bench Press: 155, 180 x 5; 205 x 5, 5, 11
I wasn't unhappy with the last set. It honestly felt good to push a bit.

OHP: 70 x 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
Chest Supported Lateral Raise: 30 x 8, 8, 8, 8, 8

The OHP load was 50% of my training max. Good, easy reps.

SA DB Row: 70, 80, 90 x 10; 100 x 6

TUT PD: 130, 140 x 4; 145 x 3

Regular PD: 150 x 8

BB Curl: 50 x 20; 60 x 10, 7
Skullz: 70 x 20; 90 x 9, 5

I used my BFR bands here and did all 6 sets as a giant set (no rest).

Good week.

It’s one of the most intense abdominal lifts I’ve ever tried. I had a trainer at the gym (strong dude - 1,200 combined loads competitively) try it and he got two reps with 20 pounds. Well worth a go.

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Early today...

Squats: 210, 240 x 5; 270 x 5, 5, 9
Knee sleeves and a belt was used from the 240 set on. Not unhappy with the PR set; I like the progression here.

Deadlift: 160 x 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
Shin sleeves only. Good form check + cardio(ish).

Hang TTB: 8, 6
My grip limited the second set—my hands were very sweaty!

Dead Bug: 20, 11
Pushup: 21, 12

Nice little SS to round things out.
Best laid plans... Should look familiar....

Squats: 210, 240 x 5; 270 x 5, 5, 10

Knee sleeves and a belt was used from the 240 set on. Not unhappy with the PR set - better this week. I like the progression here.

Deadlift: 165 x 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
Shin sleeves only. Good form check + cardio(ish).

Sicilian Crunch: 20 x 6, 3

Face Pull: 40 x 10; 50 x 6

Life was nuts last week, so I restarted week 2. Insanity, but we're back now with a bit of a renewed focus.
OHP: 100, 110 x 5; 125 x 5, 5, 8
The PR set was surprising as I know my OHP strength has diminished. Regardless, not bad sets.

Bench Press: 125 x 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
It's still upsetting to me that 135 is not being used as my smallest load, but I'm hoping by sticking to the rules that my shoulders will stay healthier and my body in general will heal quicker. Dunno.

T2Y: 20 x 8, 6

SA DB Row: 75 x 10; 85, 95 x 8; 1-5 x 5

EZ Bar Curl: 50 x 21

Incline Curl: BFR: 60 x 20, 10, 10, 10

RPE 8+

Skullz: BFR: 50 x 30, 15, 15, 15
This was an experiment. I know Skullcrushers rank highly in muscle contraction, so I figured I'd try the BFR pattern and see how things go. The load was too light for 20's so I bumped up to the 30 pattern. RPE 9- by the end.
I have been ridiculously busy this week. Here is the summary from Wednesday forward.


Treadmill: 20:00, 1.92 miles

Complex with 2-25 pound DBs:
Pushup on DB: 8, 8, 8
Bent DB Row: 8, 8, 8
RDL High Pull: 8, 8, 8
Power Curl: 8, 8, 8
Thruster: 8, 8, 7
Lunge Exchange: 6, 6, x

1:00 rest in between each big set. The last set of thrusters did me in.


Deadlift: 215, 250 x 5; 280 x 5, 5, 9

Shin sleeves were used for all sets. I added my belt for the 250 set, and straps for the final 280 set.

Squat: 155 x 10, 10, 10, 10, 10

Then, a bunch of abdominal testing with different movements....
Barbell Rollout: 8, 6

The last set was more paused. I used just the bar and loved the difference.

"Accentuated" Crunch: 30 x 10, 4
This is essentially a cable crunch done on an incline bench. The eccentric portion was done with arms straight, above my head. I wasn't a big fan of the movement - the Sicilian Crunch or even Press Situp are far more effective simply with the range of motion.

Incline Russian Twist: 10 x 4, 5
Done on a decline bench. Massive difference!

Swiss Ball Reverse Crunch: 10, 10
The instability was tough, but I'm not sure the movement is terribly effective, regardless.

Pushup + Prisoner Jump, 1-8, no rest


Bench Press: 170, 190 x 5; 215 x 5, 5, 8

No spotter, so that last set stopped maybe 1 extra less rep.

OHP: 75 x 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
Chest Supported Lateral Raise: 30 x 10, 8, 8, 6, 6

Chins: BW x 6, 4, 3
Low Cable Cross: 60 x 10, 10, 10

2 Up, 1 Down: 100 x 5
WG PD: 115 x 10

Incline Curl: BFR: 50 x 25, 18, 15, 12, 8

So, I read an article that changed the way I am looking at BFR training. Essentially, the thinking is this: you do sets with a 30 second break in-between until you can only do 6-8 reps. The difference for my bicep work today was immense.

Skulls: BFR: 60 x 25, 15, 6
To further the point above, I love the fact that this approach is more reactive to relative stress than prescriptive in a set model.

Batte Ropes: ~:30, ~:11

So - a couple basic notes... Cardio is getting more focus. I'm 43 and have neglected my cardiovascular health for far too long. The notion of "finishers" will be a part of most workouts from here on. Taking my body to a place approaching or in metabolic stress is nothing but good. Deep, long dives there isn't, but tiny injections here and there are beneficial. In the end, I earned the weekend, which is a feeling I truly enjoy.
Incline Curl: BFR: 50 x 25, 18, 15, 12, 8[/b]
So, I read an article that changed the way I am looking at BFR training. Essentially, the thinking is this: you do sets with a 30 second break in-between until you can only do 6-8 reps. The difference for my bicep work today was immense.

Skulls: BFR: 60 x 25, 15, 6
To further the point above, I love the fact that this approach is more reactive to relative stress than prescriptive in a set model.

Ah yeah that makes sense, that way you're really getting true occlusion by seeing how you're performing in later sets. Of course you can't just start with heavy weights but progress down to those lower reps after a few higher rep sets.

I wonder if there is a total reps/sets prescription though or if as long as you hit say 20-25 reps for the first set you're good to go with whatever comes after (relative stress like you said).
I’m less convinced that occlusion is useful for anything other than right before a bikini contest (male or female). Everything I’ve seen says the increase in size is fluid and not fiber.

Potentially behind the times though.
I’m less convinced that occlusion is useful for anything other than right before a bikini contest (male or female). Everything I’ve seen says the increase in size is fluid and not fiber.

Potentially behind the times though.
Ah ok fair enough, am pretty sure I've seen studies which have shown fiber size increase too. I think the idea is that because of the occluded environment created, it calls those 'dormant' fibers much much earlier due to the need for them (a crazy pressurised hypoxic environment in there!), and damage/strain occurs somehow...

No idea where those studies are though haha. Actually the myoreps ebook may have info on that potentially (which myoreps are used essentially to mimic/create the occluded effect without cuffs)