8 Scoops weight gain


New Member
Last week in a boring lunchtime went to the gym shop for a browse. The guy tried to sell me a protien in possibly the biggest tub in the world (you can see it on google earth if you look hard enough!!! maybe a slight exageration, i think it was 5kg), it suggested 8 scoops per serving and would contain 80 grams of protein per serving!

I've just been donated a weight gain by a freind who lasted a week going to the gym. It's in one of those small thin tubs (probably less than a kg), and suggests 6 scoops a serving (300g) ie it will last me about two days.

I've had either protein powders or meal replacements for years, ordered off the web, 2.2 kg tub, one scoop per serving. I was wondering how these compare? Are they rubbish? I didn't think your body could absorb more than 30grams of protein per serving? Does anyone use this type of product?
Your body can absorb more than 30 grams of protein per serving. That myth was dispelled ages ago, so don't worry, you can load up on the protein.

I don't use weight gainers, but I do use protein powders and I've never had a problem taking monstrous shakes.
Figure about one and a half to two grams of protein per pound of body weight per day.

Any more than that is likely going to go to glucogenesis (or some other biblical text...).
Cool, think i'm doing ok then on my normal protein powders.... i just can't believe people have the money for this 6/8 scoops stuff.

I mean it was £30, its less than a kilogram and its 300grams per serving!!! Thats three servings!!!
Tenner a serving!!! (not that you guys can't do the maths) Thats amazing!!!
You could still use it at 1.5x your bw. Before that you would want to know if it's hydrolized, from whey or soy, what type processes developed it. With some cheaper powders you get cheaper extractions, and less bioavailability.
My personal opinion is to stay away from the "weight gainers"

They are usually loaded with crap to achieve their calories. Check the contents of it.

IMO...stick with a basic protein powder and get your calories from food.

That's my 2 cents.
Yah. Wut he said.
You still want quality powder though it's not always the most expensive either. I like the "On" stuff or Champion Nutrition's.
Eight scoops equals the Hulk!

Oreo diet is a lot more fun that weight gainers!

Seriously why the hell by a shake....I can get you way more protein on way less money.

Sit down with a Little Debbie Iced honey bunn about 600 calories and 36 oz glass of milke.

there about 95 grams of protein and 1,000 calories in one meal!
(quadancer @ Mar. 26 2008,08:15)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Yah. Wut he said.
You still want quality powder though it's not always the most expensive either. I like the &quot;On&quot; stuff or Champion Nutrition's.</div>
I just picked up some of ON's Fruit Punch and I have to say it actually tastes great.

Their strawberry stuff is yuck...I have to add a teaspoon of sugar per scoop of protein just to make it tolerable.
(Joe.Muscle @ Mar. 26 2008,21:43)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Oreo diet is a lot more fun that weight gainers!

Seriously why the hell by a shake....I can get you way more protein on way less money.

Sit down with a Little Debbie Iced honey bunn about 600 calories and 36 oz glass of milke.

there about 95 grams of protein and 1,000 calories in one meal!
You are saying the pastry cake has 60 grams of protein???