Ingested protein dose response of muscle and albumin protein synthesis after resistance exercise in young men.
(Borge Fagerli @ Dec. 10 2008,10:35)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">In this study, so one of the various intake of egg protein after exercise, and there was increasing protein synthesis until they got to 20g, which corresponds to approximately 8.6g EAA (essential amino acids). 40g gave no better response than 20g, but gave neither increased oxidation.
Subjects were young men with average weight of 86 +-7.5kg, which corresponds to 0.21-0.25g protein per kg body weight.
This shows that as long as the protein source is complete (milk protein, egg protein, or combinations of different protein sources) requires less protein than many think to give maximum protein synthesis in conjunction with training. Total caloric balance during the course of a day is of course essential, as are the total protein intake, but those who poured gap with 60-80g protein chin after exercise, usually after they ate a protein-rich meal before exercise and then twelve one p.m. hour after training will NOK rarely make use of all the protein and much is burned as energy or for other functions in the body (which is not necessarily negative).
It should be mentioned that insulin levels rose sufficiently much over basal levels to reduce proteolyse (protein decomposition), so massive amounts of carbohydrates are not essential - it should also be proportionate to how much glycogen you have consumed during the training session. A typical strength training session, the consumer rarely more than 50-80g even at high exercise volume, and as long as you have at least two meals after exercise is the total consumption and not speed that is most important. This amount can thus be distributed over several meals, since the insulin response immediately after exercise were achieved with only 20g of protein.
Am J Clin Nutr. 2008 Dec 3 [Epub ahead of print]
Ingested protein dose response of muscle protein and albumin synthesis after resistance exercise in young men.
Moore DR, Robinson MJ, Fry JL, Tang JE, Glover EI, Wilkinson SB, Prior T, Tarnopolsky MA, Phillips SM.
Exercise Metabolism Research Group, Department of Kinesiology, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada.
BACKGROUND: The anabolic effect of resistance exercise is enhanced by the provision of dietary protein. Objectives: We aimed to determine the ingested protein dose response of muscle (MPS) and albumin protein synthesis (APS) after resistance exercise. In addition, we measured the phosphorylation of candidate signaling proteins thought two regulate acute changes in MPS. DESIGN: Six healthy young but reported to the laboratory on 5 separate occasions to perform an intense bout of leg-based resistance exercise. After exercise, participants Consumed, in a randomized order, drinks containing 0, 5, 10, 20, or 40 g of whole egg protein. Protein synthesis and whole-body leucine oxidation were measured over 4 h after exercise by a primed constant infusion of [1 - (13) C] leucine. RESULTS: MPS displayed a dose response to dietary protein ingestion and was maximally stimulated at 20 g. The phosphorylation of ribosomal protein S6 kinase (Thr (389)), ribosomal protein S6 (Ser (240/244)), and the epsilon-subunit of eukaryotic initiation factor 2B (Ser (539)) were unaffected by protein ingestion. APS increased in a dose-dependent manner and also reached a plateau at 20 g of ingested protein. Leucine oxidation was significantly increased after 20 and 40 g of protein were ingested. CONCLUSIONS: Ingestion of 20 g of intact protein is sufficient two maximally stimulate MPS and APS after resistance exercise. Phosphorylation of candidate signaling proteins was not enhanced with any dose of protein ingested, which suggested that the stimulation of MPS after resistance exercise may be related to amino acid availability. Finally, dietary protein Consumed after exercise in excess of the rate at which it can be incorporated into tissue protein stimulates irreversible oxidation.</div>
(Borge Fagerli @ Dec. 10 2008,10:35)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">In this study, so one of the various intake of egg protein after exercise, and there was increasing protein synthesis until they got to 20g, which corresponds to approximately 8.6g EAA (essential amino acids). 40g gave no better response than 20g, but gave neither increased oxidation.
Subjects were young men with average weight of 86 +-7.5kg, which corresponds to 0.21-0.25g protein per kg body weight.
This shows that as long as the protein source is complete (milk protein, egg protein, or combinations of different protein sources) requires less protein than many think to give maximum protein synthesis in conjunction with training. Total caloric balance during the course of a day is of course essential, as are the total protein intake, but those who poured gap with 60-80g protein chin after exercise, usually after they ate a protein-rich meal before exercise and then twelve one p.m. hour after training will NOK rarely make use of all the protein and much is burned as energy or for other functions in the body (which is not necessarily negative).
It should be mentioned that insulin levels rose sufficiently much over basal levels to reduce proteolyse (protein decomposition), so massive amounts of carbohydrates are not essential - it should also be proportionate to how much glycogen you have consumed during the training session. A typical strength training session, the consumer rarely more than 50-80g even at high exercise volume, and as long as you have at least two meals after exercise is the total consumption and not speed that is most important. This amount can thus be distributed over several meals, since the insulin response immediately after exercise were achieved with only 20g of protein.
Am J Clin Nutr. 2008 Dec 3 [Epub ahead of print]
Ingested protein dose response of muscle protein and albumin synthesis after resistance exercise in young men.
Moore DR, Robinson MJ, Fry JL, Tang JE, Glover EI, Wilkinson SB, Prior T, Tarnopolsky MA, Phillips SM.
Exercise Metabolism Research Group, Department of Kinesiology, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada.
BACKGROUND: The anabolic effect of resistance exercise is enhanced by the provision of dietary protein. Objectives: We aimed to determine the ingested protein dose response of muscle (MPS) and albumin protein synthesis (APS) after resistance exercise. In addition, we measured the phosphorylation of candidate signaling proteins thought two regulate acute changes in MPS. DESIGN: Six healthy young but reported to the laboratory on 5 separate occasions to perform an intense bout of leg-based resistance exercise. After exercise, participants Consumed, in a randomized order, drinks containing 0, 5, 10, 20, or 40 g of whole egg protein. Protein synthesis and whole-body leucine oxidation were measured over 4 h after exercise by a primed constant infusion of [1 - (13) C] leucine. RESULTS: MPS displayed a dose response to dietary protein ingestion and was maximally stimulated at 20 g. The phosphorylation of ribosomal protein S6 kinase (Thr (389)), ribosomal protein S6 (Ser (240/244)), and the epsilon-subunit of eukaryotic initiation factor 2B (Ser (539)) were unaffected by protein ingestion. APS increased in a dose-dependent manner and also reached a plateau at 20 g of ingested protein. Leucine oxidation was significantly increased after 20 and 40 g of protein were ingested. CONCLUSIONS: Ingestion of 20 g of intact protein is sufficient two maximally stimulate MPS and APS after resistance exercise. Phosphorylation of candidate signaling proteins was not enhanced with any dose of protein ingested, which suggested that the stimulation of MPS after resistance exercise may be related to amino acid availability. Finally, dietary protein Consumed after exercise in excess of the rate at which it can be incorporated into tissue protein stimulates irreversible oxidation.</div>