
Muscle Monthly

New Member

You have had very positive things to say about topical 4-AD sprays, however you have not expressed your opinion on 1-AD (orally active) and 1-test topical fomulas (not as orally active, but more potent than Test when absorbed, supposedly).

I'm not sure about the Advent 1-test topical formula but 1-AD seems to be liked by everyone who uses it, sense the initial problems of the original batch (1-dione).

Lastly, I know that Mag 10 was formulated by Bill Roberts who I had a tremendous amount of respect for when writing for Meso, however the feedback on Mag 10 has not been nearly as positive as 1-AD, leading me to believe that the oral activity of his formula is not all it is cut out to be.

I know that it is hard for you to express your opinion about particular products, without appearing to have hidden agendas like evryone else in the supplement business.  However, we know that you are very honest and I'm sure everyone would love to read your opinions of these (3)products.

Best Regards!