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  1. C

    weight gainer + vitamin + fish oil

    Not even slightly.
  2. C

    Hammer Curls: Enough for biceps?

    leave it to Mel Siff to make reading about a bicep curl more boring than actually doing one.
  3. C

    Creatine & Alcohol consumption...

    I wouldn't worry about it. honestly if you're drinking enough to inhibit protein synthesis you have a bloody drinking problem and should get that sorted out before you worry about your muscles falling off. note - if you're a contest bobybuilder disregard. In that situation all the thousands of...
  4. C

    Creatine & Alcohol consumption...

    Alcohol isn't evil. Overconsumption of alcohol is bad. So is overconsumption of broccoli.
  5. C

    Milk/fat leaving fat deposits in skin

    Totally untrue. WRT competition, milk does have some sodium, so you'd want to drop it when drying out for a competition. But 1000 calories of milk isn't going to make you any fatter than 1000 calories of broccoli.
  6. C

    Wall sits and other similar exercises

    They would definitely improve muscular endurance. I can't see them doing much, if anything, for either power or limit strength.
  7. C

    Principles & Methods

    For strength specifically, I think an HST-style SD is not ideal. On the other hand, it probably is a good idea to back off from the weights once in a while. One of the Russians (I think Zatsiorsky off the top of my head) suggested taking a week every month in which you keep intensity high but...
  8. C

    Vinegar for Better Glycogen Repletion?

    Oh, incidentally, although acetic acid is the stuff that makes this all work, I would strongly discourage folks from trying to use straight acetic acid. Your taste buds will not like you if you do. Stick with vinegar.
  9. C

    Vinegar for Better Glycogen Repletion?

    re: balsamic vinegar - if it has acetic acid in it, it'll work (well, it'll work insofar as we think this stuff works. Bear in mind it's all fairly hypothetical at this point).
  10. C

    Ephedrine is out

    There's no need to cycle ephedrine.
  11. C


    My local supermarket does 96% lean ground beef. It's great for cutting. Any other time, it tastes like cardboard.
  12. C

    Ephedrine is out

    There's no loophole needed. Ephedrine HCL/sulfate ain't going anywhere. It's an effective, cheap bronchiodilator, the pharmaceutical industry has too much money invested in products like Bronkaid, Primatene and the other various sinus meds to change their formulations without a fight, and Advil...
  13. C

    Ephedrine is out

    Ephedra is being banned. Not ephedrine.
  14. C

    Got some andro

    Can't hurt to have something on hand, but I doubt you're going to see major HPTA suppression after two weeks on.
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    Furthermore, most (all?) FFAAs taste mofugly.
  16. C

    is an alcohol calorie the same as others?

    I'm going to respond first to the question in your title: "is an alcohol calorie the same as others?" The answer is: maybe. There's some serious voodoo that happens with alcohol. Measured in a bomb calorimeter, alcohol has 7ish kcal/g, but actual in vivo alcohol metabolism seems to...
  17. C

    post - DOMS soreness

    Um, I could very well be wrong, but that doesn't sound like DOMS to me. I associate DOMS with a stiff, sore feeling. Not an unbearable burning sensation. Is the pain localized or is it general?
  18. C

    frequent feedings

    Meal frequency matters insofar as: 1) more frequent meels tend to keep blood sugar levels more stable than less frequent meals. This really only matters when you're eating eu- or hypercalorically, because if you're eating hypocalorically, you're probably going to feel like crap no matter how...
  19. C

    low GI vs high GI

    In a hypocaloric state? I can't see why any permutation of macronutrient intake would affect fat loss per se. Oh, variations in TEF might add up over a long enough period (think, like, maybe a pound one way or the other over a few months, bfd), but otherwise... Without adequate protein you'd...
  20. C

    low GI vs high GI

    No, but low GI carbs will tend to keep you feeling fuller longer than high GI, which is a big plus.