Inclined bench press vs regular b press


New Member
i always thought that flat bench press was the best of the 3 types of bpress because it works your pectorals overall, but, are there any benefits of doing inclined bench presses, i know it puts more emphasis on ure upper pec...
maybe it makes ure pects show more ? i dunno... im trying to think of something...
since i started lifting 8 months ago i only did flat bench, i tried the inclined and they are way harder...
anyways... thoughts on this ?
thanks !
Flat and incline works the upper pecs about the same. Incline doesn't recruit the lower pec all that much and it works the delts a lot more. Thus, depending on angle, you can't quite use as much weight for incline as you would for flat. Dips are superior to both for pec development.

Frankly, I think the flat bench sucks. It'll eventually eat up your rotator cuff and it does a poor job at working the pecs. If you plan on sticking with flat benches, look at rotator cuff exercises now to protect the area.

What're you saying Jules, don't bother with rotator cuff exercises if you're not doing flat bench?
I sure hope not, 'cause prehab exercises like that should always be incorporated, to strengthen any potential weak links before they become an issue.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]What're you saying Jules, don't bother with rotator cuff exercises if you're not doing flat bench?

What I'm saying is that with the flat bench, it's really inevitable that your rotator cuff will get torn even if you practiced flawless technique. Simply using a parallel-grip does wonders for not straining that area. I also perform underhand grips for my pulling movements.

I do rotator cuff exercises sometimes, but IMO a lot of the problems with BBers is their insistence on using movements out of tradition while blissfully structural problems with said movements.

[b said:
Quote[/b] (vicious @ Jan. 08 2005,11:44)]Frankly, I think the flat bench sucks. It'll eventually eat up your rotator cuff and it does a poor job at working the pecs. If you plan on sticking with flat benches, look at rotator cuff exercises now to protect the area.
Poor babies

lots of benching for 15 years, bugger all RC or even adequate back work with no problems


RC problems are very genetically oriented
Well, you are the next evolution of man Aaron. Natural selection said ####-all to the RC and concluded it must build a bigger, faster, stronger rotator cuff. Thus -- you. ;)

cue Six Million Dollar Man ch-ch-ch-ch!!

if bench stimulates more of the pec than incline, how is incline superior? and is there any less risk of shoulder injuries from incline?
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]if bench stimulates more of the pec than incline, how is incline superior?

Optical illusion, really. When you overdevelop the lower pecs (the major pec muscle), you get droopy manboobs. The incline isn't superior, but it can give you the illusion of support by bringing the very small and minor upper pecs into bolder relief.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]and is there any less risk of shoulder injuries from incline?

That's the conventional wisdom. However, I believe your grip has more influence on this. Honestly, most rotator cuff injuries, while sudden, do come from ignoring warning signs leading up to it. You'll be really tempted to press through the pain because your form and technique on the bench may be excellent.

Dips are very safe too (and superior to the flat bench), unless you go too low with too much of your body forward.

IIRC the reason Bryan promotes the use of low incline press over flat is that the natural tendency when pressing is too arch the back (especially with heavy loads) to such an extent that it effectively becomes a low decline press, and is therefore pretty useless for the pec minor (which pushes the top of the pec major out, giving the impression of big upper pecs). A low incline (15-30 degrees) compensates for this and hite your whole chest musculature harder than a flat press does.

And using DBs instead of a BB is a good way of reducing the likelihood of shoulder injuries.

EDIT - throw in dips and youve got yourself an excellent chest routine.

Stick with inclines, preferably dumbellfor a better stretch, and weighted dips. You'll look better and feel better.


Do you have man boobs? Are you embarrassed everytime you take your shirt off? Do babies start to cooooo as you walk by? Are inmates turned on everytime they see you?

Then buy Man-Bras new from Victor's Secret.

I hope I never see that commercial :D
[b said:
Quote[/b] (vicious @ Jan. 08 2005,7:54)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]if bench stimulates more of the pec than incline, how is incline superior?
Optical illusion, really. When you overdevelop the lower pecs (the major pec muscle), you get droopy manboobs. The incline isn't superior, but it can give you the illusion of support by bringing the very small and minor upper pecs into bolder relief.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]and is there any less risk of shoulder injuries from incline?
That's the conventional wisdom. However, I believe your grip has more influence on this. Honestly, most rotator cuff injuries, while sudden, do come from ignoring warning signs leading up to it. You'll be really tempted to press through the pain because your form and technique on the bench may be excellent.
Dips are very safe too (and superior to the flat bench), unless you go too low with too much of your body forward.
someone recently told me dips were hardest on shoulders than all chest exercises; i had always done and actually enjoyed doing them but near the end using 100lbs i guess thinking about what he said decided to switch to Flat bench.
funny i feel more sore on shoulders doing Bench. After my next SD will probably go back to dips. Vicious, i generally go as deep as possible with chin in, getting that stretch and push up but don't lock out. Am i asking for trouble at 162lbs using 100lbs add-on for 5's?
ZZ your probably asking for trouble by dipping as low as you can go. The safest, although at the expense of a small amount of hypertrophic benefit, is to not dip below your upper arms being at a 90 degree with your forearms. I also don't let my body incline by more than about 10 degrees. Much more than that and you can risk ripping a pec, especially if you dip too low. If you can handle the 100 pounds at a weight of 162 in good form, go for it ZZ.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Then buy Man-Bras new from Victor's Secret.

Fabio: I swear by my man-bra; I never forget to wear them on my date. My lady friends say I have better cleavage than they do!

Queer guy for the straight eye: I totally love the new Man-Bra thing ; it is to the new metrosexual millenium what shoulder pads were to Dionne Warwick. We recommend!

HHH: I have cajones the size of grapefruit, but even The Game needed a little help up there for my role in Blade!!! I AM the man-bra!! Argghhh!!!

Leon: This is Budweiser pitchman Leon. Leon don't bake If he ain't got the dough. Oh yeah, buy the new Man Bra. Where is my check?

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]so won't doing too many dips give me droopy manboobs? I don't want droopy manboobs

Unfortunately it could. Personally, I don't think this is entirely avoidable for bodybuilders when a person's bodyfat gets high. Same with building abs while not lean. But, generally, you wouldn't want to do too much chest work once the pecs are at a satisfactory size. Probably emphasize incline angles from then on.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Vicious, i generally go as deep as possible with chin in, getting that stretch and push up but don't lock out. Am i asking for trouble at 162lbs using 100lbs add-on for 5's?

Could be a problem if you lean too much forward. When you dip heavy, dip to a conservative position and steadily go a little lower each time.

Jules, O&G,

hopefully not too much off topic, but what are your thoughts regarding close grip flat presses (focusing on the tris) as it pertains to stressing the rotator cuff and creating a need for a manzeer? What kind of grip spacing should one use to maximize the effects on the tris?
Going parallel grip really is the best way to save your rotator cuff. Close grip is safer than wide grip. At extremely high loads, I'm not sure how much difference it will make in the long run.

Really, the best way to work on tris or pecs is by using a separate isolation exercise. Much safer too.
