Recent content by Scott S

  1. S

    Barbell Curl

    Yes, drag queens will not help you at all. Trust Daniel. ;)
  2. S

    Barbell Curl

    Sounds like you were using a little much weight and had to cheat. No biggie. If you want a great way to load your biceps all the way up and down, drag the bar up your front, letting your elbows move backward. :D
  3. S


    One-legged calf raises.
  4. S

    Is it possible to stretch bone?

    That and it forces their shoulders down.
  5. S

    Working the back

    One tip when rowing is to start the lift from the back, and pull to the lower abdomen (with a barbell) or toward the hip (with a dumbbell). You'll probably have to use less weight to get the feel of this, like the others said.
  6. S

    Overtraining systemic vs. localized?

    Are you sure your biceps are lagging more than, say, your back?
  7. S

    Hard gainer

    Olive oil.
  8. S

    15, 10, 6

    No reason why you can't. HST doesn't include a "multiples of 5 principle" after all.
  9. S

    HST and 5x5

    There are several ways to do 5x5. In some readings, such as John McCallum's, start with a weight 100 lbs (or so) below your 5RM and do 5 reps. Next, add 50 lbs and do 5 reps. Then, jump up to your best weight for 3 sets of 5. Otherwise, you could get warmed up and do 5 sets of 5 with the...
  10. S

    Shoulder Press — Correct Form?

    Usually, whenever I see the term "shoulder press" it's done with dumbbells. If that helps the confusion any. :)
  11. S

    Rep Maxes

    What I usually do is to devote a whole week to finding rep maxes. Sunday I'll do 15s. So I'll try really hard to guess at what I can lift for 15 reps and go until light failure. If I've over- or underestimated by a bit, I'll subtract or add 5-10 lbs, but I don't do any more sets. Wednesday...
  12. S

    Question about posture (kate?)

    $845 for a chair?? OUCH! (And BTW, standing all day blows. Try working in a factory sometime.)
  13. S

    proper pec deck form

    Try using less weight, keeping your arms straighter, and focusing on squeezing your chest.
  14. S

    From machine to free weights

    Try some adjustible dumbbells and a simple bench for starters. That's what I plan to do eventually. Then DB squats, SLDLs, bench, rows, presses, will all be doable without a cage or anything.
  15. S

    Straight Leg Deadlift Form

    Hey all, sorry I've been gone from the internet for a while... Kate, what I meant was that no one seems to recommend letting the back flex. It would seem that weighted hypers and rounded-back goodmornings would also be a no-no. I've always done my SLDLs with back flexion, figuring that it's...