Unexpected Vacation


New Member
I was three weeks into my first cycle, when my gym decided to shut down for a week. When I go back it will have been 10 days off. I was wondering if I should just start again or pick up where I left off. I looked around and couldn't find anything on this topic.
One more thing, my gym is closed every Friday (I know it's not the best gym, but it fits my wallet nicely) So I've been doing Monday, Wednesday, Thursday work outs. Nights are out so everytime I go is in the mornings. Any ideas? Is this is bad, or doesn't really matter?
The best time to work out is that time that you can workout.

I would start over with the 10's after your 10 day hiatus, unless you have pre-existing joint problems in which case it would be wise to do at least one week of 15's.
I'm back doing my 10's. Thanks for the quick reply.