Since I am skipping SD.....


New Member
Everyone seem to agree that when going from a bulking cycle right into a cutting cycle, SD is not needed. So when starting in the 10's again do I start lower and increase weight like a normal cycle or just do my 10r maxes for 2 weeks and then do the same thing with the 5's?

Goal is to maintain muscle not build right now...
You still want to have progressive load, so you should treat it like a normal cycle, but change up your caloric intake and sac the SD.

Just for clarification. You said your goal is to maintain muscle for now... do you mean during a cut? Or are you planning to remain at maintenance for a while? In my opinion, it is better to eat at maintenance and continue working out for a period before you begin a cut. Going directly from bulk to cut can lead to trouble. I'd give it at least a few weeks. You could SD, then do the 15s and 10s, starting your cut during the 5s, or just run an entire 8 week cycle at maintenance, then start another cycle while beginning to cut calories a bit.
While eating at maintenance, if you do an HST cycle, you'll probably lose a little bit anyway.
Yeah I mean maintain during a cut. I have been tapering off the bulk for the last couple weeks. I plan on eating a maintainance or even above (just alot cleaner then during the bulk) and just go to 3x per week upper body twice a day and 3x per week legs and abs followed by 30 min cardio.