Here's the order I use, with the exercises I alternate between workouts:
Chest - dips, bench.. I put this first, because back exercises stretch it a bit much to do them first
Back - rows, chins
Legs - deads, squats.. I like to do the big upper body compounds when I'm freshest, so legs come next
Shoulders - military press, db press
Calves - alternating upper and lower body exercises works well for me
Bis, tris, abs - last because they're the least draining, and I don't want them to lessen performance on my compounds.
Now, your recent question...
The 8 week routine consists of 2 wk blocks:
For the 15s, 10s, 5s, the last workout in each 2 week block should be the only one to hit/just miss failure.
For Negs/5RM block, you can find yourself hitting failure more often - at least I do. Because the volume is less, I don't find this hampers me as much as if I was hitting failure in the 10s and 15s every workout.
Exercise choices:
You can alternate exercises between workouts, or between HST cycles.
As you can see, I like to alternate between workouts. Variety is the spice of life yeh...?
If you were going to alternate between workouts, here's an example of what you could do:
Squats - alternate with leg press
Bench - alternate with dips, or incline bench
SL Deads - alternate with hamstring curls (leg curls on the machine)
BB Rows - alternate with wide grip chins/pull downs
Seated shoulder press - not as much variation. There's military or behind the neck with BB, or just DB press
EZ Bar curls - alternate with DB hammer curls
Lying Tricep extensions - alternate with overhead DB tricep extensions
Standing Calf raise - alternate with donkey raises or seated calf raises
At the risk of confusing you, I'll also say this; after you complete your first HST cycle, comeback to the message board and give your results - size and strength - and then if you're looking to further improve the workouts, ask about stretch point isolations.
Don't worry about this now, it's best to do the standard/sample/vanilla HST cycle the first time around, and see how it works for you