Injured Knee on the Mend


New Member
I hurt/strained my right knee 18 months ago doing wind sprints. Two doctors and a physio guy told me I would need an repairative surgery. I chose to tough it out try to rehabilitate it myself using leg extensions, lunges and hack squats. I'm too young to be this old-school

One or all of these exercises just made it worse. So I tryed stretching-a lot of whole body stretching. This seemed to irritate my knee more, maybe made the area more prone to strain injury?

I read an article in one of the magazines on rehabing knees and it boiled down to a 10min bike warm-up and 2 or three sets of whatever didn't hurt. I've always loved to squat, so it's been 4 months and I've already passed my pre-injury maxes.

That is until I read a thread in here on squatting @$$ to the grass. Let's just say I'm thankful the gym wasn't busy and I was in a rack. And Man, the next day !!!

As sore as my quads and glutes were, the knee felt almost lubricated. It's a funny joint for sure, but I'd recommend this form of squat to any one as long as your warmup is adequate and you don't overplate.

be strong..
Funny you should mention that! The darn doctors that suggest surgery should use people like you or others before going to the knife! :D

Here's an interesting article.
I have been fighting a bad back for years. 2 years ago I couldn't even walk 100 feet ithout my entire leg going numb. I went to the chiropractor and that just made things worse.

So I started working out and added squats very slowly. I have increased my 5rm by 75% and the back feels good. I think there are alot of surgeries that could be prevented if the patient was actually willing to bust his @$$ in rehabbing it.

Yep, to name a few:

Shoulders - a couple of times, latest one last night due to J-reps on the peck-deck, too fast and joint gets out of place due to stopping mid-way.

Besides this, during bench a few times, an old one due to lack of warming up - culprit cable reverse rows. :confused:

Lower back, I found that doing the @$$ to the grass squat felt good but it started hurting my lower back, to add to this the full deadlift was compounding the problem, culprits - both lack of form and too much weight, have since then returned and back feels good.

Ah, last but not least, tennis-elbow due to heavy curls (50 kgs) with straight bar, have been managing this one by mostly dropping curls out of the program, still use them as metabolic stress inducers - a la vicious!

Here's a pic of the culprit!
That sounds like a Jackie Chan interview I heard a few years ago.
When asked about his injuries from doing his own stunts, he replied "shoulder, shoulder, knee, arm, knee, wrist, leg, leg, arm..."

Hopefully we learn a little from our mistakes. But it sure is amazing what a lack of warm-up or a little extra pride will do to you! :D
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]That sounds like a Jackie Chan interview I heard a few years ago.

Yeah, us crazy muscle heads
However I don't think I am as nuts as Jacky he is beyond cure

Yeah, a little slowing down is needed where our ego's are concerned, they tend to get us hurt!

Fun answer, dude! I like that! :D