How old before HST training


New Member
My 10yr old son cannot wait to use my nautalis smith machine, could some one advise me as to any form of exersize he would be able to do that will not damage he later in life. If I say so my self he is strong and built like a brick out house and all he wants to do is weight train like his father and older brother who is 16 and he can pull him to the ground when playing. I myself use HST now after doing 4 day splits and although found the 15's hard at the end of the first week it seems to be a very balanced once you get into it.
Many thanks ldj
If you let him use weights, make sure to teach him perfect form and keep the weights light for now. Obviously negatives would probably be a bad idea at this point... but a basic routine using semi-light weights that he can do 10 reps or so with would be good for overall conditioning.
My kids all like to use my weights and they mostly do dumbbell squats or curls. I've seen younger kids doing deadlifts too. What I would recommend would probably be squats, bench, bentover rows. I don't know if I would suggest military press or any other kind of press yet... bench and rows should be plenty of shoulder work. I would also highly recommend some bodyweight exercises, like chinups and pushups, even dips if you have a dip station.
Some people will tell you that weight training will stunt your son's growth but that is a load of crap. As long as you don't let him overdo it to the point where he getting injuries, he will be fine. In fact, if anything, it should help him grow stronger bones than he would have otherwise. With basic training, you will ensure he has superb conditioning for later, when he gets older and can get serious about bodybuilding/powerlifting/etc.

Make sure to stress proper nutrition as well. Remember that doing this now will effect his habits later in life, so it's a great thing to let him do with you. Also, it is good father-son bonding as well.
Yeh definetely just make sure its technique first, weight second.
Stay on the lightish side of things.

Keep range 8 - 10 reps, he will opbviously start getting stronger so...that is not keep him back too much...just do things under control.

Beware of standing presses, rather do those on a bench, high incline press for example will get plenty shoulder work.

Squats and deadlifts should be kept under control until he is older, but they can be done.

He will only end up getting stronger and if his from is good, the sky is the limit once he grows older!
Try to get your lad to learn compound movements. My advice would be keep the reps in the 15 - 8 (minimum) range but only once he has mastered his form. Initially he should start very light and just do about 20 reps. Get him to always lift under supervision.

I'd like to know why Fausto and Tot are not happy with standing presses? There must be a good reason cos they know their stuff. Until they say why, I reckon they are fine as long as the weight used allows for 10+ reps once the movement is mastered. It's a really natural movement and it's so beneficial for balance and co-ordination in sports. My 11yr old lad really enjoys them
He, he, he... My five year old son wants to lift with me sometimes!!! I give him a two pound dumb bell, and let him do five reps (same as age) of a couple exercises, and then tell him that's enough for now. I imagine that will be what I do untill puberty. Maybe weight will increase a pound every couple of years. A ten year old with a 2 pound weight doesn't seem right

Anyway, it's cool that our kids have interest in it.