How do you train this area?

Flat, or slightly inclined bench press using barbell or dumbells. As you grow and get bigger, it will catch up with the rest of the chest. The exact shape of you chest as it grows is determined by genetics.
Weighted Dips!!! Once you can do 10 reps with your bodyweight plus 80 lb.s attached to a belt, you should 'fill out' your pecs.
But as vagrant said, muscle shape is determined by genetics, and there is no way to change the shape of your pecs, all you can do is hypertrophy them and have them bigger or let them atrophy and get smaller.
And one more thing. As you can see my body is not in straight line. Its have a tendency to the side. Can i do something about it?
We are all a little assymetrical. Just the way it is. Just work hard, build the best muscle you can, and see how it all looks when it's bigger. You will like what you see.

Think about it, if we all had perfect symmetry, the lady at the glasses place who fits them to your head wouldn't have a job.

As far as I know the only two people in world history who were even close to perfectly symmetrical are/were Marylin Monroe and Halle Berry. Think how bad shape the world would be in if we all looked like that. I know I'd get nothing done but look at myself nekkid in the mirror all day long.

Heck, I lean constantly to the right a bit with my head turned slighty cockeyed to compensate for it. No one even notices it but me.
They had a show on Discovery Science (yes...I'm a science geek) about beauty. They said the worlds most beutiful people are those whose faces are as symmetrical as possible...i.e. if you took their photo and bent it in half everything would line up.

The only one I can recall is Brad Pitt that they talked about....I hate that guy...or more I hate him for having Angelie Jolie...lucky SOB
Vagrant: my wife looks exactly like Halle Berry from the neck down! Dang that cutoff point!
Interesting point - both my wife and Halle are interracial. Hm.
(vagrant @ Dec. 30 2006,22:54)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">We are all a little assymetrical.  Just the way it is.  Just work hard, build the best muscle you can, and see how it all looks when it's bigger.  You will like what you see.

Think about it, if we all had perfect symmetry, the lady at the glasses place who fits them to your head wouldn't have a job.

As far as I know the only two people in world history who were even close to perfectly symmetrical are/were Marylin Monroe and Halle Berry.  Think how bad shape the world would be in if we all looked like that.  I know I'd get nothing done but look at myself nekkid in the mirror all day long.

Heck, I lean constantly to the right a bit with my head turned slighty cockeyed to compensate for it.  No one even notices it but me.</div>
By looking on pictures of other people here. I can see they are pretty symmetrical. but who knows, maybe when the muscles would get bigger, it might look better.
For most guys, that's true; the differences tend to blend in with the beef so as not to be so noticable, but for some the reverse happens. Look at Jay Cutler's biceps. Different as night and day...but who's gonna tell him?
Not ME!