How do I do donkey calf raises at home using a


New Member
How do I do donkey calf raises at home using a lifting belt and 2 attached dumbells? I tried it for the first time ever but found that I fear crushing my toes if the dumbells fall on them. I like to go bear foot so my shoes don't impede my ROM and press on my tendons. I am also worried about pressure from the belt on my kidneys. I plan to work one leg at a time.

Does anyone know how to do donkey calf raises using attached dumbells?
Dear Ruhl,

Standing calf raises blast the calves just fine. I'm not sure why you want to do the donkey variant. To get a better stretch maybe? I doubt donkey calf raises would give a better stretch anyway, thinking about the origin and insertion of the gastrocnemius muscle. And to do it one leg? This is somewhat precarious.

The usualy combo for calves would be standing calf raises and seated calf raises (the seated, version targets the soleus muscle, a muscle underneath the calf).

Really, unless your grip strength were tremendous, holding a barbell or dumbbells while you blast your calves will eventually be a futile exercise. And to do it one leg...I just don't like the idea of such asymmetric loading to the spine. I'd say it is bad.

Do have seconds thoughts about this.

Godspeed, and happy HSTing :)
If you can, try roping weight plates to your belt with a piece tow rope. Tie about 3 knots, to ensure it doesn't drop on your feet. You can probably ultimately use more weight with plates anyway.
Ive recently started using 1-legged donkeys. I have loose weights sitting directly on the chain (with my belt i have to use plates with a slightly greater than 1" diameter to get the chain through)

Geting uprights been proving awkward, but 10k plates on a dumbell was knocking my knees.

I find doing the donkey variant the asymettric loading of the spine doesnt concern me so much. I think i manage to keep my foot slightly out of range of any falling plates (when the chain eventually breaks) My abdomen (kidneys) feel fine if i remember to lower the belt to upper-hip level.