Excercises For My First Cycle


New Member
Ok I thought I would post the excercises I'm going to follow for my first cycle along with a few questions.

Squats (bar) Discovered today though that my form is kinda shot...I can't seem to get to paralell without my heals coming up. I was told that I have to work on my flexibility (I'll do that during my SD before I start))

Stiff Legged Deadlifts (bar)

Incline Bench Press (bar)

Overhead DB Presses

Bentover DB Rows

Pullups/Chins Ok...I'm having problems here deciding which. I wanted to do just regular chins (palms facing me) to work on my biceps. But then I thought about pullups (palms facing away) to get the work on my lats. I can't seem to decide. And while I'm at it...what bennefit does palms facing each other have???

Dips with the focus on the triceps (elbows in and not leaning forward)

Seated Calf Raises

Seated Crunch (lever)

Thoughts??? Opinions???

Thanks in advance.