AAS and HST Question

Muscle Monthly

New Member
I read the Mag 10 post, however I was wondering what Bryan thought about putting several 2on, 4off AAS cycles (See Bill Roberts articles on Meso-rx.com) together, while doing HST, according to Bill roberts guidelines.

2 weeks on:
-Short acting test (proprionate or suspension) everyday or long acting test (enanthate) front loaded (i.e. 1 gram) on day one

-Short acting oral AAS (Dbol) daily to achieve high enough levels of AAS throughout the two week period

-Anti-aromatase (Arimidex or Cytadren) for two weeks while using aromatizable AAS

-Clomid every day, including the 4 weeks off to insure recovery, or maintenance, of test production

4 weeks off
-Clomid every day

Week 7 start over again

Basically, I'm wondering if HST would be an optimal way to train during this type of AAS administration. If so, what alterations should be made?
It's the timing that is important. You would want the 2 weeks "on" to happen during the second week of 10s and the 1st week of 5s. The only thing you are trying to accomplish by timing it that way is to have an increase in training load at the same time you are going "off" to offset the effects of low test during that 3-4 week period.

So, you will at least be increasing the weight for 1 week and at the very least, maintaining the training load at 5RM for an additional 2 weeks. This will help you retain the gains you made.

Obviously this doesn't turn out to be exactly 2-on/4-off.
Thanks Bryan! Do you think that this would be favorable over a more traditional training routine and traditional AAS cycle pattern (i.e. 8 weeks) if your goals were to:

1) Preserve gains from AAS
2) Reduce inhibition
3) Maximize gains
4) Do several consecutive cycles


You have addressed the 2 week cycle with prohormones. Would you please address a 3 week, then a 4 week, then a 6 week and finally a 8 week cycle of prohormones? Your help is so greatly appeciated with these 4 different cycle lengths.

Thanks so much for putting true science behind muscle growth. It has been a long time coming !!!

P.S. I start my first 8 week cycle of HST this Monday after 20 years of training.