

New Member
I'm in my second week of 15's of my first HST cycle. I'm 5'8", 175 lbs. starting out. I'm getting 150 grams+ protein every day, plus supplementing EAS Betagen. I have a bottle of Ergopharm 1-AD (60 tablets). Any opinions how I should cycle this in with my HST workout schedule? I was thinking of 2 tablets per day for 4 weeks (weeks 4-7). Would I be better off with 3 tablets per day for 3 weeks? If yes, which weeks would benefit the most from 1-AD? TIA

Mike Shane
Do a search for "Mag-10", there was a lot of discussion about how to incorporate prohormone cycles into HST. Also check the FAQ, there is an entry there where it is discussed.


Also, remember that depending on how long you use 1-AD you may need to think about recovery (since your endogenous testosterone production may decline). There are various products out there to aid in this regard (6-OXO would be my suggestion). There are also drugs to aid recovery, but I don't know much about them or how to obtain them.