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  1. C

    6 day routine - trying to set one up

    From what I've been able to glean from forum searches I have put together the following. Routine performed A/B alternating 6 days a week (eg each routine is done 3x per week) A) Dips B) Incline DB Press x 2 A) Chins B) Rows x 2 A) Front Squats B) Deadlifts x 2 A) Leg Curls B) Seated Leg Curls...
  2. C

    6 day routine - trying to set one up

    I am thinking about doing a cycle of HST in a few weeks. Will be beginning with a 9-10 day SD. AM/PM training isn't really consistantly possible for me however 6 once a day sessions are. I've been training for a couple of years and have quite a high tolerance for volume, currently working with a...
  3. C

    HST + PSMF = me dead tired...

    The PSMF manual describes what sort of training should be done on a diet such as this. Doing full blown HST you will run into problems.