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  1. S

    Preacer curl question

    I just read an article in muscle & fitness about when diff. muscles were involved in a biceps curl, and the main work of the biceps brachii is done at the top of a curl (90 to 135 degrees), so I thought if I was origionally just going to do 2 sets of ez bar curls, could I instead do 1 set of...
  2. S

    specialization routines

    Of course edziu, lol, i dont know what i was thinking. for sum reason i was completely focused on training to failure, even though it would happen only once every 2 weeks. my bad. thanks for settin me straight, and ill stop highjacking this thread, bye
  3. S

    specialization routines

    I use to always think this too, but what happens to the muscles? Do they have enough repair time? (In this case that edziu pointed out, the tris and bis are being worked 6 times a week.)