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    yeah, thats exactly what I mean. I did my second HST workout today and decided to up the sets to 3 for chest and back, we'll see how it plays out tomorrow. Also, Im slightly chemically enhanced (useing equiposie only) should I perhaps do even more volume if 3 sets doesnt cut it? BTW, I took 1...
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    I did my first HST workout yesterday and im not very sore (except for my legs and arse, 15 reps on squats is a bitch!) but im not too sore anywhere else. One reason I think that is is becouse the squats kicked my butt and I felt like shite for the rest of the workout to the point where I...
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    Why the sudden drop?

    I was just wondering why the program is designed to drop from 10RM for 2 weeks, all the way to 5RM for 4 weeks (if you opt not to do negatives)? I would think that a more progressive..err..progression would be 2 weeks of 15s, 2 weeks of 10s, then 2 weeks of 8s, and finally, 2 weeks of 5s...
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    Confused... Two groupings vs. One

    The HST calcultaor has 6 slots for each exercise per rep phase apparently for each of the 6 workouts done during that rep phase BUT, in the FAQ it says that you should have two exercise groupings that you would alternate every workout but in that case you would only be able to perform 3 workouts...
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    Starting first HST cycle

    Im starting my first HST routine tomorrow, I just have one last question...should I alternate exercises every other workout within a 2 week period? Im asking becouse the HST calculator has 6 slots per rep phase for each exercise, im assuming its for each workout of the phase which implies that...
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    Maintaining Caloric Intake

    hey colby sounds like youv got it all figured out...would you mind sending me that excel sheet, id like to take a look at it and adjust it for my stats. my email is -thanks
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    Maintaining Caloric Intake

    Thanks for the info! Apparently there are a few people here who do count and record everything. Ive posted this on other boards as well and most people went for option 2: keeping mental tabs. I think if you put in the effort (or hire someone do it for you) the scientific apporach is the best...
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    Maintaining Caloric Intake

    I just wanted to get an idea of you some of the other lifters out there keep manage thier caloric intake. When I first started lifting I was incredible meticulous and got very good results, lately Ive just been winging it and while its much easier, my gains have suffered.
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    Maintaining Caloric Intake

    I just wanted to get an idea of you some of the other lifters out there keep manage thier caloric intake. When I first started lifting I was incredible meticulous and got very good results, lately Ive just been winging it and while its much easier, my gains have suffered.
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    Hello all! ...General HST Routine Question

    Ok thanks, that pretty much clears things up. I have just one more question regarding exercises and sets: How many exercises do you choose per bodybart each workout and how many sets per exercise? On the sample workout it was 2 sets each is that written in stone or is it kinda flexible? Im...
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    Hello all! ...General HST Routine Question

    Hi I just joined the forum, just wanna say hi and introduce myself...then milk you guys for some info . Im 22 from NYC, currently 230lbs and 18% bf and on the way down. Ive been powerlifting for a number of years and bodybuilding before that but lately Ive been thinking that ill take a break...
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    How Do You Feel After Your Workout?

    Im usually pretty exhausted, but in that good way.
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    How Do You Feel After Your Workout?

    Im usually pretty exhausted, but in that good way.