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  1. S

    Where are you from?

    Chevy Chase, Maryland right on the map's border of Washington, DC.
  2. S

    Summary of HST principles

    Calkid- When initiating the strategic deconditioning would that include regular cardio workouts or just weighted workouts? Thanks!
  3. S

    HST for women

    Beatrix- I've been doing HIIT for only a few weeks but I've already noticed fat loss and my 4 pack is resurfacing. Its only 20 minutes but the work is hard, although I enjoy it much more than the 75 minutes of cardio I would do before. I think I hit my plateau and need to change things up... For...
  4. S

    HST for women

    Beatrix- How long have you been doing HST? I've been using weights forever and doing cardio but I just started HIIT (running hills/sprints/etc) and moved to slow/heavy weights but I want to start HST to see how I can get great definition. Any suggestions? thanks!
  5. S

    HST for women

    OK, I'm throwing this out there. I've been an avid exerciser for years but am now starting to get serious with my training. How does HST apply to women? My goals are obviously different than a man's- I don't want to get big or bulk up but I also know I don't have the hormones that will do this...