_tim's Log

I forgot to log Tuesday...


Bench Press: 185, 205, 225 x 6; 245 x 2; 185 x 12

Iso Static Hold Incline Press: 110 x 10; 130 x 6; 150 x 5

Chins: BW x 5, 4
Battle Ropes: ~:10, !:08

Until things stabilize in my schedule, I'm switching to an autoregluated pattern.

Squat: 225, 255, 275, 305 x 6; 255 x 10

Press Situp: 20 x 6, 4
It’s absurd to me that this log hasn’t been updated since 2019.

The past six months have featured a structured setup from a buddy of mine who started a distance training and nutrition program. My results have been good, despite a very inconsistent schedule.

That said, my schedule normalizes next week, with the potential for steadiness over a decent amount of time. I’ll start updating my log again with progress and lessons learned—next week will be week 2 of this microcycle.

If nothing else, y’all might enjoy observing my pain from a distance.

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Starting a 6-week jaunt...

Squats: 215, 245 x 5; 275 x 6; 215 x 18

Front Foot Elevated KB Reverse Squat: 44.1 x 12, 12, 13

Iso/Iso Dumbbell Row: 60 x 10, 10, 11

BB Floor Press: 135, 155 x 8; 165 x 10

I’m doing my implementation of Wendler’s SVRII template. I worked with a coach remotely for about 6 months, but there was almost no big compound lifts in his templates. My strength took a notable hit as a result. So, I know I’ve gotten results here before and it’s time to ramp it up again. Two 3-week mini-cycles, then vacation, then more fun.

I promise updates here throughout. Today was day 1.

Be well, all.

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OHP: 95, 110 x 5; 120 x 9; 95 x 15-1 (RP)

Seated Dumbbell Snatch: 50 x 12, 12, 17

Kroc-ish Rows: 70 x 25; 80 x 11
My thought here has wavered a bit in terms of approach. I tried out doing a full set of 25 and then bumping up 10 lbs. and going to form breakdown. I think I’ll continue to progress the loads and see how things go for this mini-cycle.

BB Rollout: 95 x 6, 4
BB Floor Wipers: 135 x 10, 8
The rollouts were paused at full extension for all reps. This SS was taken to form breakdown for both lifts.

DB Skull Crushers: 60 x 15, 15, 8
Name of the game here was prefatigue! Rest times were kept to a minute or less.

Rope Tricep Extension: 40 x 20, 20, 20; 50 x 16, 8
This was a BFR set. The game is to go until the rep count is less than 9. Rest times were 15-30 seconds.

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Deadlift: 225, 260 x 5; 295 x 9; 225 x 15

Bulgarian Split Squats: 3 x 12 @ 60

Chins: BW (223) x 8, 6, 3, 3

Deficit Push-ups: 3 x 12

I introduced straps for the last two sets of deadlifts. My belt was worn for all work sets. I am not unhappy with the work today. First true deads in way too long.

The last set of Bulgarian SS’s was RP’d 8-4 on the left and 7-5 on the right. My legs are still recovering from actually being used again.

I weighed myself after the first chin set. All reps were to the clavicle; sets stopped at form break.

Last thing - the push ups were very sub maximal. I shot for a number that got me to RPE 7ish as I’m benching tomorrow and just wanted a little light touch on my chest and triceps.

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Bench Press: 165, 190 x 5; 210 x 7; 165 x 18 (15-3)

DB Incline Bench: 120 x 12; 11-1; 7-3-2

Pull-up: BW x 6, 4, 3, 3

Farmer’s Walk: 2 x 100 meters @ 245

Hammer Curl: 70 x 12, 9, 8

Incline Curl (BFR): 30 x 20; 40 x 18, 11, 11, 7

I’ll admit that bench is absolutely the lift that suffered the most. Knowing that I was pushing much higher loads for quite a bit more overall volume is telling. Regardless, I think this is the right approach with the work sets in weeks 2-3, so we’ll see how things shape up. I pushed the load on the incline presses intentionally; despite the RP’s, I wanted to challenge my chest with whatever I had left in the tank.

The farmer’s walk was done on a straightaway in the gym that I believe is 50m. So, the sets were a single down and back without putting the load down. Incredible grip test!

This is the end of week 1.

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Squats: 200, 230, 260 x 5; 5 x 10 @ 200

Front Foot Elevated Reverse KB Lunge: 2 x 12, 1 x 9 @ 52.9

Iso/Iso DB Row: 2 x 10, 1 x 12 @ 70

BB Floor Press: 165, 185 x 8; 195 x 3

Lots of volume today! That 5x10 can flip to 10x5 this week based on feel. We’ll see what happens.

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OHP: 90, 100, 115 x 5; 5 x 10 @ 90

Seated DB Snatch: 60 x 12, 12, 13

Krocish Rows: 80 x 25; 90 x 8

BB Rollout: 95 x 6, 3
BB Wiper Blade: 155 x 10, 11

DB Skullz: 70 x 12, 10, 7

Rope Triceps Extension (BFR): 50 x 25, 25, 16, 13, 11; 60 x 7

The OHP loads were very light today. My last set of 10 was at an RPE 7ish. Everything else felt good.

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Deadlift: 210, 245, 275 x 5; 5 x 10 @ 210

Bulgarian Split Squat: 70 x 12, 12, 6

Chins: BW (218?) x 7, 5, 3, 3

Deficit Push Ups: 13, 11, 6

I thought the DLs were going to be super easy. Man oh man was I wrong. It was an oxygen test today. There were no RP’s but the last three reps of the last set were max-stim like.

The Bulgarian SS’s were taken to a place, but not failure. I could have easily failed on that 3rd set.

The chins were impacted by grip in the last two sets. The push-ups were impacted by the rest of the WO.

The BW differential from last week is nuts. How I lost 5 pounds is beyond me.

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Bench Press: 155, 175, 200 x 5; 5 x 10 @ 155

DB Incline Bench: 130 x 12, 12, 9

Farmer’s Walk: 2 x 100 yards @ 245

Pull-up/Chins: 4, 4, 1, 2

Hammer Curl: 80 x 8, 8, 5

Incline Curl (BFR): 40 x 25, 19, 13, 12, 10, 8

The benching… incredibly light. Too light. I kept rest times in the 5x10 to 60 seconds or less and never got above RPE 6. I hadn’t benched in a while, so my 1RM test had to have been skewed. We’ll see what happens next week with my heaviest sets of this cycle.

Only other note… my grip had a huge impact on the vertical pulling sets.

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Squats: 230, 260, 290 x 5; 5x5 @ 260

Front Foot Elevated Goblet Reverse Lunge: 61.7 x 8, 4

Kroc Rows: 90 x 20; 100 x 4

Floor Press: 175 x 6, 3

Heavy week begins. I dare say I nailed the squat loads for this minicycle. The squat sets were doable but challenging—the 290 set had a hinge or two after rep 3, and the 4th and 5th sets of the 5x5 were tough on the 5th rep. Regardless, happy with the effort.

Everything else was done as a bit of an afterthought; I was spent after the squat sets.

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OHP: 100, 115, 130 x 5; 5x5 @ 115

Seated Dumbbell Snatch: 60 x 12, 12, 10

Pull-up: BW (217.5) x 5, 5, 5, 4

Paused BB Rollout: 95 x 7, 3.5
BB Floor Wiper: 165 x 10, 10

Dumbbell Skullz: 80 x 6, 6, 3.5

Rope Triceps Extension (BFR): 60 x 30, 21, 13, 11, 10, 7

The OHP work was the most for that lift in quite a while. The 130 set was a little bit grindy, but doable.

I supersetted the pull-up sets 2 & 4 with the ab SS due to time.

I think I got this loading at least close. We’ll see how things progress.

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Deadlift: 245, 275, 310 x 5; 5x5 @ 275

Bulgarian Split Squat: 80 x 10, 6

Iso/Iso Row: 80 x 10, 8, 8
Deficit Push-Ups: 12, 12, 11

I used straps on the 310 set and the last 3 sets of the 5x5. In general, I felt form was good throughout.

I supersetted the rows and push-ups due to time. The last two sets of push-ups were done with my feet elevated.

Unsure if bench will be tomorrow or Sunday. We’ll see what happens.

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Bench Press: 175, 200, 225 x 5; 5x5 @ 200

Dumbbell Incline Bench: 140 x 10, 6; 130 x 6

Farmer’s Walk: 2 x 100m @ 245

Chins: BW (219.5) x 5, 4, 4, 3

Hammer Curl: 90 x 5, 5

Incline Curl (BFR): 40 x 30, 18, 12, 12, 7 + 3 forced reps

Bench… I dunno. I’m gonna see what the next cycle brings. I need to do more chest work for sure.

During my first farmer’s walk set, the bar kept slipping backwards due to my hands being sweaty. So, I added chalk and did a complete second set.

Next week starts basically the same layout, with loads increased. I’m gonna tweak the assistance work a bit, but the 3-week layout for the compounds will be the same.

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Squats: 225, 260 x 5; 295 x 4; 225 x 15

Front Foot Elevated Goblet Reverse Lunge: 4 x 10 @ 52.9

Pull-ups: BW (220)+10 x 5, 5, 5, 3, 4

Floor Press: 185 x 6, 6, 4, 4

Band Resisted DB Bench: 2 x 12 @ 160

I guess my workout yesterday fatigued me more than I realized. The 260 squat set was much harder than it should have been, and the 295 set was disappointing.

I had grip issues on pull-up set 4, but chalk fixed things.

The overall theme of these next three weeks is increased volume.

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OHP: 105, 120, 135 x 5; 105 x 12-4

Seated Dumbbell Snatch: 4 x 10 @ 60

Dumbbell Row (new form): 65, 75, 85 x 6

Paused BB Rollout: 95 x 6, 4, 3
BB Floor Wiper: 3 x 10 @ 175

DB Skullz: 70 x 10, 7, 6

Rope Triceps Extension (BFR): 60 x 20, 20, 14, 12, 10; 70 x 6

I revisited my DB row form after thinking I wasn’t really benefiting from the high rep sets as much as I had hoped. I moved from kneeling on a bench to bracing on the dumbbell rack, retracting my shoulder before every rep, and rowing “back” without rotating my torso at all. I’m going to follow this methodology for this micro cycle and see how it goes.

The OHP work.. decent but nothing to write home about. The 3rd set was a “plus” set, meaning it was an all-out affair. A 6th rep wouldn’t go. The last set was a Widowmaker, and I kept things to a single RP.

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