Recent content by Spyke

  1. S

    HST Challenged by HIT

    Go on almost any BB board and all you see is guys pimping their supps. Here I almost forget that they actually sell stuff so that is crap. I guess EVERYONE who tries HST properly with the right diet is an "extreme responder"! If strength = hypertrophy then why are bodybuilders...
  2. S

    Spyke's 9x per week program

    Thanks Fausto, I was trying to do a complete leg workout on 3 days, thats why squats are being done there. Where would you move it and what would you drop if anything? I will try the 3 and 3 eating thing. Actually that will work perfect for me because on the 7th day I always like to eat a bit...
  3. S

    Spyke's 9x per week program

    After I finish the 15's I want to start a 9x per week program for some cutting. Now I know they usually say you can't build new muscle while loosing fat but I am gonna try to proove that wrong (since my bf is high it should be easier to do this in the beginning). I don't know my exact bf% but it...
  4. S

    the 10-12x a week routine

    I am looking at doing the same kind of thing for cutting. I would be lifting "heavy" (ie regular HST) in the am and then go back at night doing lighter weight metabolic work with less time between sets. Upper body one day the legs and abs the next.
  5. S

    Combine this with HST Cycle?

    I was checking out and alot of guys on the board seem to be getting nice results with this test booster "Diesel Test". here is a thread where one of the guys got blood tests before and after taking it test thread this is the stuff productinfo I want to know what you guys think...
  6. S

    Since I am skipping SD.....

    Yeah I mean maintain during a cut. I have been tapering off the bulk for the last couple weeks. I plan on eating a maintainance or even above (just alot cleaner then during the bulk) and just go to 3x per week upper body twice a day and 3x per week legs and abs followed by 30 min cardio.
  7. S

    Since I am skipping SD.....

    Everyone seem to agree that when going from a bulking cycle right into a cutting cycle, SD is not needed. So when starting in the 10's again do I start lower and increase weight like a normal cycle or just do my 10r maxes for 2 weeks and then do the same thing with the 5's? Goal is to maintain...
  8. S

    How does this hst program look?

    The plan was to use higher weights and slightly lower reps since I want to make sure I keep the muscle I have....
  9. S

    How does this hst program look?

    I just finished my last neg workout. So I am just now wrapping up this bulking cycle. How does this look for a cutting program? My main goal is to preserve muscle! m w f am (2 weeks of 8's, 5's and negs then repeat wo SD) chins, dips, bench, mil press, rows m w f pm (light work at home mostly...
  10. S

    Injured Knee on the Mend

    I have been fighting a bad back for years. 2 years ago I couldn't even walk 100 feet ithout my entire leg going numb. I went to the chiropractor and that just made things worse. So I started working out and added squats very slowly. I have increased my 5rm by 75% and the back feels good. I...
  11. S

    Should I COntinue with MY HST TRAINING?

    Remember dude, your not gonna gain much muscle while cutting fat. In fact most guys are thrilled to just maintain muscle when cutting.
  12. S

    Should I COntinue with MY HST TRAINING?

    If your bench is going up 5 pounds a week, I would ride that wave for as long as it lasts. Sounds like you are spending too much time in the 5's. That is more like a strength training program. What about diet? What are you eating? Are you gaining weight?
  13. S

    Can someone talk about 2xday HST??

    I have seen some talk on the board about 2x per day HST. I am going to be doing some big time cutting now and was thinking about doing a 2x per day program (one regular workout and noe a bit lighter). I would be doing upperbody one day then legs and abs the next. Is this a smart thing to do...
  14. S

    I am just not getting sore... Should I?

    Soreness is not always the sign of a good workout. Have you gained any weight? Have you noticed any size gains? I know you are doing an am/pm split but that really seems like a lot to be doing. Stick to fewer excersises (compounds) and up the weight and intensity a bit. Just seems to me that...
  15. S

    I'm sick :((

    Same thing happened to me last week of my 1st cycle. (kinda wierd that spyke and spikers had the exact same thing happen LOL) I lost some muscle and weight from being sick but it all comes back pretty quick. Congrats on the results man!