Recent content by Luke matthews

  1. Luke matthews

    Pimp My Hst E-book

    Can someone post a link to the above that works please?
  2. Luke matthews

    Integrating Myoreps Into Standard Hst Program

    Hi guys Can someone please explain how we can integrate myoreps into a vanilla HST routine? In what range (10’s, 15’s etc) would they be recommended. I am just coming off a 16 day SD. Thanks
  3. Luke matthews

    Myo Reps explained in plain English

    Hi Borge , O&G Can someone suggest how we could integrate myoreps into a vanilla HST routine? Would like to know where in the cycle myoreps should be done (in the 15’s, 10’s etc)? Thanks
  4. Luke matthews

    Frequency Is Your Friend

    Perhaps the “right” training frequency is one where a person is making gains while feeling recovered enough to get back in the gym and motivated to lift again. Obviously the “right” frequency depends on numerous things and is very individual.
  5. Luke matthews

    Frequency Is Your Friend

    So what is the definition of trained? And is the progression from untrained to trained reflected in the difference between protein synthesis?
  6. Luke matthews

    Finished First Cycle. Doing Too Much ?

    Dude. Waaaaaay too many excercises. Not sure of your lifting age/experience but nonetheless, search this forum for “simplify and win” post and give it a good read. Then enjoy the results.
  7. Luke matthews

    Haycock on dieting in 8 parts

    Hey guys. Is this video available anywhere now?
  8. Luke matthews

    Am I Just Spinning My Wheels?

    How did you go this week? Weight come back?
  9. Luke matthews

    Have To Change Gyms.....what Now?

    Ok Ok, I get that. And I think it’s a good article. I also think you guys are the experts and I value your advice as I have struggled to achieve much in the past in terms of muscle gain. My question is then, why is it recommended to consume 500-600 calorie surplus per day in the Eating For...
  10. Luke matthews

    Have To Change Gyms.....what Now?

    I measured bf via skin fold measurements with calipers. I’m aware of the issues measuring bf but critical measurements such as waist girth and neck have not changed much since the beginning of the cycle so I’m guessing the slight increase is near the mark.
  11. Luke matthews

    Have To Change Gyms.....what Now?

    Thanks. So do you think I should stick with the current calories then? Do you think weight gain will resume on the same calories?
  12. Luke matthews

    Have To Change Gyms.....what Now?

    I weigh myself daily and take the weekly average. Either way, I have been the same weight daily for 2 weeks. Everything I have read says if you’re not gaining weight you need to eat more. I get it but must admit, 3100+ calories a day is a lot for someone weighing 75kg. I’m thinking I’ll just...
  13. Luke matthews

    Have To Change Gyms.....what Now?

    Hey guys. Looking for a bit of guidance on diet. I have finished my 5s and have extended by another 2 weeks before doing negatives. I set a target of 1lb weight gain per week (deliberately conservative) which has been going well and I was bang on target each week. I get to the end of the 5s...
  14. Luke matthews

    Long Time No Hello

    I’m really nterested in what all you guys have to say. You guys are the experts and I follow closely what you write. Looking forward to learning more from you!