It's basically somewhat of a carb cycling diet. Someone over at turned me on to this diet called Natural Hormonal Enhancement. I started with 7 days of active carbs being less than 20 grams (I did this during SD). This 7 days switched me over to being a fat burner opposed to a...
I will finish up the 15s today. I did decide to go ahead and squeeze in an extra workout during Week 2. This makes the total workouts for the 15s come to 8. I'll probably do the same for the 10s and 5s.
Fat Loss: 0.65 pounds
Lean Mass Gain: 2.15 pounds
Next week I'll have body size...
Well, after 1 week of HST & 9 days of the Natural Hormonal Enhancement diet(basically a carb cycling program with refeeds twice/week) I have lost 0.66 pounds of fat and gained 1.16 pounds of muscle mass (calculated by measuring body fat %, I used omron fat analyzer and calipers).
I took body...
EEEeek! I did my 3rd workout of the 15s yesterday and I wasn't able to reach 15 reps on about half of the exercises. I was hitting 13 or 14 reps but I just couldn't squeeze out anymore. Should I repeat this workout at the same weights instead of increasing weights? I think I can squeeze in...
I was thinking 3 sets might be a little long during the 5s. I definitely like to keep my workouts under 45 minutes...that's a big priority when I am in the gym. My body starts going downhill after that.
I can see your point on doing only 1 set for tris but my biceps would not forgive me if I...
Thanks for the replies! I'll definitely take that into consideration during the construction of my next HST cycle.
I'm looking forward to today's workout. :)
I am only doing 3 full body workouts per week. A typical week looks like this:
Mon: HST
Wed: HST
Thur: Off
Fri: HST
Sun: Off (I'll probably end up going to the gym anyway and working forearms, obliques, misc stuff)
Do the 6x/week guys do full body workouts 6x a week or...
Well the 2nd workout of the 15s was a lot better than the 1st. I only felt like I was going to throw up once opposed to 3 or 4 times like the 1st workout.
Yeah, the full body workout was exhausting but I look forward to hitting the gym this evening. At least I'm a little bit more mentally prepared than I was during the first workout. It's no cakewalk...that's for sure.
I'm constantly monitoring my diet. I track every ounce of food...
I am following a pretty vanilla HST program. 1 set during the 15s, 2 sets during the 10s, and 3 sets during the 5s. I'll continue Week 7 & Week 8 with 5s and added drop sets/negatives. Alternating negs with drop sets every other workout. Here are the exercises:
Inc. Bench Press...
I just thought I'd say hello and thank everyone for their contributions to this forum. I have learned a lot from this site. I started my first day of 15s yesterday after 14 days of SD. WOW...those 15s kicked me in the nuts! I was getting great pumps off of such light weights. DOMS is very...