Thanks for the link. Guess I didn't look hard enough for the full text on that one.
Interesting to note in there that they kept the rest periods between exercises minimal, and that may have contributed to the improvements in vO2max in the resistance training group. I had been slacking off on...
What was their body composition like in the beginning?
I was just doing some math on those numbers and it looks like they would have been starting at around 50% body fat at around 220lb. Is that right?
These results are saying a 220lb person at 50% body fat could go 800 calorie for 12 weeks...
Update: today I put effort into focusing and minimizing the breaks between exercises, cutting my workout down from an average of half an hour to fifteen minutes. Guess there had been a lot of time standing around scratching my head in there :). I felt much more energetic afterward.
Micmic -...
I just found Creating Peak Performance On Demand. This focus is definitely something I had been overlooking and I have a feeling it will help me get into the right state of mind.
Thanks for the responses. Yeah, this is a pretty long post, lol, I should have broken it up into topics. Just wanted to let people get an idea of "the big picture" in case some of the problems are interrelated.
If I post my workout later I'll do it in a separate post to avoid...
First of all, congratulations on the interesting and intelligent web site. There's a lot of clear thinking going on here.
(edited to focus the post a bit)
Some background info:
I'm a 23 year old guy who's been weightlifting on and off for quite a while without making progress. Everyone says...