Recent content by Bulldog

  1. Bulldog

    Back to Basics

    Why would you want to itch your back anyhow? The correct phrase would be "I can't scratch my own back".
  2. Bulldog

    Androsterone, Dhea And Pregnenolone

    It will be a win for sure if you feel better. And you may get some gains. However other genetic factors play a role on muscle mass gains besides testosterone levels. In my case I'm just never going to be overly muscular. It's just not in my genes.
  3. Bulldog

    Androsterone, Dhea And Pregnenolone

    Pregnenolone is a precursor to DHEA and all the other sex hormones. DHEA can raise estrogen so you need to be careful and do blood tests if you take any hormones of any kind. I'm on testosterone replacement (have been for 9 years now). I take Testosterone and Pregnenolone as well as some...
  4. Bulldog

    Best Android App For Hst Training - Any Recommendations?

    I can't seem to find the most recent thread discussing Android workout apps, so I'm going to post here. I came across this one today and it looks pretty good and all the current features are free on Android. The iOS version has more features but you have to pay to access some of the features...
  5. Bulldog

    Damn Apples' Ios 8.0.2 Update

    I forgot to mention, if you just want to take notes and not lose them then try using Google keep or Microsoft OneNote. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Bulldog

    Damn Apples' Ios 8.0.2 Update
  7. Bulldog

    Damn Apples' Ios 8.0.2 Update

    I have been using an app called GymRat. It won't automagically create a HST routine but you can build any workout you want with it. This app was dropped by the developer and removed from the Google Play Store so I had to find an "alternative" download when I needed to reload it. If anyone...
  8. Bulldog

    More Pop-ups Recently?

    I'm still getting the pop ups on my phone. Not on desktop but I run ad blocker and pop up blockers on desktop.
  9. Bulldog

    More Pop-ups Recently?

    Yes sir, he is.
  10. Bulldog

    More Pop-ups Recently?

    Yep. I started another thread about it the other day. I sent @Millard Baker a message about it but I have not heard back from him yet.
  11. Bulldog

    Steroid Cycle

    looks like spam.
  12. Bulldog

    Olympic Bar Suggestions

    I'm in the US.
  13. Bulldog

    Off Topic

    I won't argue with that, and it is all because they do not follow the Constitution as was intended. It's pathetic what they have done to this country. The founders must be rolling in their graves.
  14. Bulldog

    Off Topic

    I can tell you without a doubt that I will not be voting for the orange faced windbag. But I won't be voting for the serial liar either. I'll be voting for Gary Johnson because he is the only sane person in the election. Our Constitutional Republic, although it has its flaws, is by far the...
  15. Bulldog

    Olympic Bar Suggestions

    Thanks, Lol