Simply in food! Proteins are almost every where. You don't need meat to get strong. Go check Patrick Baboumian he's probably one of the strongest man on earth and he is vegan. Many bodybuilders are also vegan. Go at veg
Simply in food! Proteins are almost every where. You don't need meat to get strong. Go check Patrick Baboumian he's probably one of the strongest man on earth and he is vegan. Many bodybuilders are also vegan. Go at veg
Simply in food! Proteins are almost every where. You don't need meat to get strong. Go check Patrick Baboumian he's probably one of the strongest man on earth and he is vegan. Many bodybuilders are also vegan. Go at vegan
are you the guy who wrote the ebook hst author named Richard Raab? If yes i have a question for you. But first Thank's for the awesome book. For the last two weeks cycle i'd like to try one of these variations: a two weeks 3rep or a mixed of 15's,10's,5's one for each days workout for two...